Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Elements and Principles of Art Scavenger Hunt

After completing the elements and principles of art scavenger hunt, I picked out five of my favorite photos that represent these art concepts.

This vase in my bedroom shows the element of texture.  The bumpy texture is both seen in the photo and can actually be felt when touching the vase. 
 This picture shows contrast through contrasting ideas.  Contradicting ideas of summer and winter are shown in this photo and are represented by the shoes that you wear in each season.  I love this photo because although the colors and materials of the shoes are the same, they are so very different in their use.
 This photo is also one of my favorites.  It represents value, the lighness and darkness of a hue.  Jeans hanging next to each other in my closet show the different values of jean and the color blue.
 Movement and rhythm are shown in this photo.  I love that you are able to see the scarf moving through the air, looking as though it has just stopped in the middle of it's motion.  There is definitely rhythm and movement shown in this photo.
This photo represents balance.  The two pieces of art on the wall in my room are balanced asymmetrically and create a balanced feel.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Footprint

The "My Footprint" project is a great way for you and your students or classmates to get to know more about each other. Make sure each student has a sheet of construction paper on which they can trace one or both of their feet. Have them cut their footprint out and direct them to decorate their footprint with things that describe them. To ensure that the student experiments with different art mediums, require them to use at least three different mediums (ie. markers, colored pencils and found objects). Let them know that they should be creative and the only other requirement is that they include their name on the project. When the students finish their footprint projects, have them use their footprint to introduce themselves to you and the class. This project is a way to let the students be creative and also learn more about them for the future.

An extension activity that you could use with this lesson would be to have each student do a "Who am I?" collage. This activity consists of each child making a side portrait cut-out of themselves. The instructor may have to help with this, depending on the age. Each student will find a partner and using the overhead projectors light shining on one partner, the students will trace their partner's portrait outline onto a sheet of black construction paper. Once they have their portrait, they will be asked, "Who are you?" and "What's in your head?". The teacher will then provide the students with magazines in which they can cut things out of that fit with their personality. They students will use these magazine cut-outs to create a collage inside of their traced portrait. You could then integrate this into a language arts lesson in which the students write about what they put in their collage. They would explain what each cut-out means and then present this writing to the class.