The Under Water Scratch Art project was introduced by Miss Long and Mrs. Stadtler. The scratch art project was intended for 3rd and 4th grade art students. To create this project, students needed a half sheet of white paper with an under water animal on it, black scratch paper, and a wood tool. First, students got to practice on a small sheet of scratch paper in order to understand that they must scratch away the black to see the color underneath. Next, the students got to choose an underwater animal that they wanted to draw. I chose an octopus. I then drew the octopus on a half sheet of white paper. Once I had exactly what I wanted drawn on my white sheet, I traced that onto the black scratch paper. Next, I scratched out the octopus and it's background onto the scratch paper. The teachers stressed adding texture to the scratch art by changing the types of lines used. When the artwork was completed, the octopus showed up in the background color, red, while the foreground stayed black because it had never been scratched.
An extension activity that could go with this art project would be to introduce different places where animals can live. Student could learn that specific animals live in climates and places that fit their species. This lesson on the animal kingdom would integrate art and science.
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